Frequently Asked Questions
  • What time is check-in and check-out?
    The international check in time is at 14:00 p.m and check out 12:00 p.m.
  • Can I have early check in?
    Early check in is subject to availability. It can always be requested but is not guaranteed.
  • How can I secure my late check out?
    Late check out can be arranged upon your arrival subject to availability. Extra charges apply.
  • How often shall I expect my room to be cleaned?
    The rooms are cleaned daily.
  • Is a Visa required to travel to your hotel?
    Yes, Credit card is required and should be presented upon check in. Cash payments also accepted.
  • How can I get a travel Visa?
    You can find information regarding travel visa at www.cyprusvisa.com
  • I am booking more than one room can i request adjoining rooms?
    Yes, subject to availability.
  • What are interconnecting rooms?
    • - Interconnecting rooms are two rooms connected between them through an internal door.
    • - All interconnecting rooms are subject to availability and are suitable for families.
  • Do you offer ironing facilities?
    Ironing facilities are available at our hotel, at 3rd floor.
  • Do you offer laundering facilities?
    Yes this service is available with an extra charge.
  • Can I exchange money at the hotel?
    Yes, we provide money exchange service.
  • Is there internet access at the hotel?
    Yes, there is Wi-Fi access at the hotel and its free of charge.
  • Do you provide baby cot?
    Yes, please select on the booking form.
  • Are there any charges for baby cot?
    No charges apply.
  • What credit card do you accept?
    Credit card accepted- Visa, Visa Electron, Master Card, Maestro etc.
  • Room view upgrades or Room Type upgrade.
    It is possible to upgrade your room view or type of room –subject to availability and with an extra fee.
  • Terms of the stay Explained:
    • - Bed& Breakfast(BB): Your accommodation includes your Breakfast.
    • - Half Board(HB): includes your breakfast and Dinner. You may switch your Dinner with Lunch, but you need to inform the reception about this change. No drinks are included.
    • - Full Board(FB): Your accommodation includes breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. No drinks are included.
  • Adding an extra person to your room.
    It’s possible to add an extra person on your room directly. Contact us in advance to do so. Please note that maximum capacity 3 persons per room (Either 1 extra bed on 1 Baby cot).
  • Booking Cancellations
    • - If your booking is direct with Ajax Hotel, it is possible to cancel your booking-subject to a cancellation fee and refund police as explained under the Policies on this website. In general ,the more in advance you notify us in regards to cancelling ,the higher the refund.
    • - If your booking is with a Tour Operator, you will need to contact them directly for any cancellation-subject to a cancellation fee as per the tour operator’s policy.
  • Car Hire
    Contact the reservations department at reservations@ajaxhotel.com for your request.
  • Rooms Views
    • - Land View rooms are facing the hotel gardens and street.
    • - Pool View rooms are facing the Pool area of the hotel.
  • Dress code for Lunch and Dinner.
    • - The dress code for gents required at dinner for our entire hotel is long trousers or smart ¾ shorts. This does not apply for a young child
    • - No swimsuits or any other swim ware is allowed.
  • What kind of clothes do I need to bring?
    Cyprus has a warm climate, and in the summer (especially of August) the temperatures can reach a high of 42 C. Make sure to pack loose fitting clothing and light colors not attract the heat and of course do not forget to pack your swim attire. If you travelling in April , May ,October then make sure a jacket because in the evening its get be cooler. During the Winter you might need it pack light winter clothes for the day time and warmed clothes for the night time.
  • Pets Allowed?
    Pets are not allowed.